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Dataset: project=CMIP5, model=CNRM-CM5, Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques / Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancees en Calcul Scientifique (CNRM/CERFACS), experiment=4xCO2 AMIP, time_frequency=day, modeling realm=atmos, ensemble=r1i1p1, version=20120214
Catalog: TDS configuration file


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  • Vocabulary [ CF-1.0]:
    • albisccp (1) = ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo = ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo
    • cl (%) = Cloud Area Fraction in Atmosphere Layer = cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer
    • clcalipso (%) = CALIPSO Cloud Fraction = CALIPSO Cloud Fraction
    • clhcalipso (%) = CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction = CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction
    • cli (1) = Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice = mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air
    • clisccp (%) = ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction = ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction
    • clivi (kg m-2) = Ice Water Path = atmosphere_cloud_ice_content
    • cllcalipso (%) = CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction = CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction
    • clmcalipso (%) = CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction = CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction
    • clt (%) = Total Cloud Fraction = cloud_area_fraction
    • cltcalipso (%) = CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction = CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction
    • cltisccp (%) = ISCCP Total Total Cloud Fraction = ISCCP Total Total Cloud Fraction
    • clw (1) = Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water = mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air
    • clwvi (kg m-2) = Condensed Water Path = atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content
    • hfls (W m-2) = Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux = surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
    • hfss (W m-2) = Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux = surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
    • hur (%) = Relative Humidity = relative_humidity
    • hus (1) = Specific Humidity = specific_humidity
    • parasolRefl (1) = PARASOL Reflectance = PARASOL Reflectance
    • pctisccp (Pa) = ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure = ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure
    • prc (kg m-2 s-1) = Convective Precipitation = convective_precipitation_flux
    • ps (Pa) = Surface Air Pressure = surface_air_pressure
    • rlds (W m-2) = Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
    • rldscs (W m-2) = Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
    • rlus (W m-2) = Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation = surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
    • rlut (W m-2) = TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation = toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
    • rlutcs (W m-2) = TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation = toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
    • rsds (W m-2) = Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation = surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
    • rsdscs (W m-2) = Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation = surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
    • rsdt (W m-2) = TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation = toa_incoming_shortwave_flux
    • rsus (W m-2) = Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation = surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
    • rsuscs (W m-2) = Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation = surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky
    • rsut (W m-2) = TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation = toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux
    • rsutcs (W m-2) = TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation = toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
    • ta (K) = Air Temperature = air_temperature
    • ta700 (K) = Air Temperature = air_temperature
    • ua (m s-1) = Eastward Wind = eastward_wind
    • va (m s-1) = Northward Wind = northward_wind
    • wap500 (Pa s-1) = omega (=dp/dt) = lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure
    • zg (m) = Geopotential Height = geopotential_height


  • dataset_id =
  • dataset_version = 20120214
  • dataset_id_template_ = cmip5.%(product)s.%(institute)s.%(model)s.%(experiment)s.%(time_frequency)s.%(realm)s.%(cmor_table)s.%(ensemble)s
  • directory_format_template_ = %(root)s/%(project)s/%(product)s/%(institute)s/%(model)s/%(experiment)s/%(time_frequency)s/%(realm)s/%(cmor_table)s/%(ensemble)s/%(version)s/%(variable)s
  • project = cmip5
  • product = output1
  • institute = CNRM-CERFACS
  • model = CNRM-CM5
  • experiment = amip4xCO2
  • time_frequency = day
  • realm = atmos
  • cmor_table = cfDay
  • ensemble = r1i1p1
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